Sign up to be a guest on Cracking the Cash Flow Code

We're looking forward to having you on our show

Thanks for signing up to be on my podcast. Before signing up, I highly encourage you to visit and listen to a couple of episodes to see if you will be a good fit for the show.

The name of the show is Cracking the Cash Flow. It's primarily focused on blue-collar businesses with between 25 and 200 employees. The underlying question for the podcast is, what would you be doing differently if your business was to be here 100 years from now.

We record our show using StreamYard. This platform allows us to simulcast to several platforms at the same time. You'll be getting an email a few days before the show that will have the URL for your episode as well as other tips for having a great podcast.

Know that when you sign up for the show, we will talk for a few minutes before we record your episode. Also, we do the show as a simulcast with Facebook Live and YouTube Live. This way, you get two bites of the apple for the time you put into being a guest.

After the show, I'll be offering you a free copy of my book, The Sale Ready Company. If you don't want the book, then you won't need to add your mailing address at the bottom of our intake form.

If you have bio information you would like me to have, please send it along with the intake form. I will also need a picture you want me to use, so please also send a picture I can use for publicity.

If you are an agency or podcast booker. You must put your client's name in the first box and email address. I don't mean to be rude, but for some reason, bookers want to put their information there. If you do, your client will not appear on the show. We only communicate with the guest. The less friction between our show and the guest, the better.

Please know that I'm based in Vermont, which is in the Eastern Time Zone (same as New York City). When communicating with me, please make sure you use the Eastern Time Zone when we're talking about times.

Finally, please make sure you completely fill out our intake form. This will save both you and me a ton of time.

Thanks, and I'm looking forward to having you on the show.

Josh Patrick

If yes, please provide your mailing address
Click submit and you'll be taken to our booking page